Residential Painting
The 4 Painters is committed to transforming homes with our exceptional residential painting services. We believe that a fresh coat of paint can do more than just improve the appearance; it can redefine the entire atmosphere of your living space. Our interior painting services focus on creating the perfect ambiance in every room, whether you want a modern, elegant look or a cozy, warm feel. For the outside of your home, our exterior painting service ensures that your property stands out with a durable, weather-resistant finish that enhances curb appeal and protects against the elements. We carefully choose high-quality materials and apply techniques that withstand Vermont’s changing seasons, giving your home a lasting impression. In addition to painting, we offer porch repair to complete the look of your outdoor space. A well-maintained porch adds both value and character to your home, and we ensure it is sturdy, safe, and aesthetically pleasing. With The 4 Painters, you can trust that your home’s interior and exterior will look impeccable from every angle. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation, and let us transform your home into the envy of the neighborhood.